diff --git a/API/Analysls.go b/API/Analysls.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a8960c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/API/Analysls.go
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package Api
+import (
+ "github.com/aarongao/tools"
+ "github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
+ "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson"
+ "letu/DB"
+// @Title 数据统计
+// @Description 数据统计
+// @Accept json
+// @Produce json
+// @Param ScenicId wgergejfwe string true "景区id"
+// @Param StartTime 1 int false "时间戳"
+// @Param StopTime 1 int false "时间戳"
+// @Success 200 {object} tools.ResponseSeccess "userTotal=用户总数registerTotal=注册用户总数nonRegisterTotal非注册用户总数"
+// @Failure 500 {object} tools.ResponseError "{"errcode":1,"errmsg":"错误原因"}"
+// @Router /Analysls/Count? [get]
+func Analysls(c *gin.Context) {
+ c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", c.Request.Header.Get("Origin"))
+ c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
+ _map := make(map[string]int64)
+ _map["registerTotal"], _ = DB.CMember.CountDocuments(tools.GetContext(), bson.M{})
+ _map["userTotal"], _ = DB.CDevice.CountDocuments(tools.GetContext(), bson.M{})
+ _map["nonRegisterTotal"] = _map["userTotal"] - _map["registerTotal"]
+ c.JSON(200, tools.ResponseSeccess{
+ 0,
+ _map,
+ })
diff --git a/API/Complaint.go b/API/Complaint.go
index b8417ce..24e585f 100644
--- a/API/Complaint.go
+++ b/API/Complaint.go
@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ import (
+ "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive"
+ "letu/Lib/Auth"
@@ -64,8 +66,9 @@ func CreateComplaint(c *gin.Context) {
var images []string
json.Unmarshal([]byte(c.PostForm("Image")), &images)
+ objectID := primitive.NewObjectID()
DB.CComplaint.InsertOne(tools.GetContext(), DB.SComplaint{
+ &objectID,
@@ -97,12 +100,12 @@ func AllComplaint(c *gin.Context) {
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", c.Request.Header.Get("Origin"))
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
- total, _ := DB.CComplaint.CountDocuments(tools.GetContext(), bson.M{})
- limit, _ := strconv.ParseInt(c.Query("Limit"),10,64)
+ total, _ := DB.CComplaint.CountDocuments(tools.GetContext(), bson.M{"ScenicId": c.Query("ScenicId")})
+ limit, _ := strconv.ParseInt(c.Query("Limit"), 10, 64)
if limit == 0 {
limit = 50
- currPage, _ := strconv.ParseInt(c.Query("Page"),10,64)
+ currPage, _ := strconv.ParseInt(c.Query("Page"), 10, 64)
if currPage == 0 {
currPage = 1
@@ -110,13 +113,13 @@ func AllComplaint(c *gin.Context) {
var aComplaint = []bson.M{}
- cur, err := DB.CComplaint.Find(tools.GetContext(), bson.M{"ScenicId":c.Query("ScenicId")}, &options.FindOptions{Limit: &limit, Skip: &skip, Sort: bson.M{"_id": -1}})
+ cur, err := DB.CComplaint.Find(tools.GetContext(), bson.M{"ScenicId": c.Query("ScenicId")}, &options.FindOptions{Limit: &limit, Skip: &skip, Sort: bson.M{"_id": -1}})
defer cur.Close(tools.GetContext())
if err == nil {
for cur.Next(tools.GetContext()) {
var e bson.M
- aComplaint = append(aComplaint,e)
+ aComplaint = append(aComplaint, e)
@@ -130,3 +133,43 @@ func AllComplaint(c *gin.Context) {
+// @Title 处理投诉
+// @Description 处理投诉
+// @Accept json
+// @Produce json
+// @Param id 5dfb03070a9ac17ac7a82054 string true "投诉id"
+// @Param ScenicId wgergejfwe string true "景区id"
+// @Param Token wgergejfwe string true "用户token"
+// @Success 200 {object} tools.ResponseSeccess "{"errcode":0,"result":"ok"}"
+// @Failure 500 {object} tools.ResponseError "{"errcode":1,"errmsg":"错误原因"}"
+// @Router /HandleComplaint? [post]
+func HandleComplaint(c *gin.Context) {
+ c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", c.Request.Header.Get("Origin"))
+ c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
+ _user, _ := c.Get("UserInfo")
+ user := _user.(*DB.SMember)
+ err := Auth.CheckScenicAuth(c.PostForm("ScenicId"), user)
+ if err != nil {
+ c.JSON(200, tools.ResponseError{
+ 401,
+ "没有权限",
+ })
+ return
+ }
+ objectID, _ := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(c.PostForm("id"))
+ _, err = DB.CComplaint.UpdateOne(tools.GetContext(),
+ bson.M{"_id": objectID},
+ bson.M{"$set": bson.M{
+ "State": "已处理",
+ }},
+ )
+ c.JSON(200, tools.ResponseSeccess{
+ 0,
+ "ok",
+ })
diff --git a/API/Operator.go b/API/Operator.go
index 9bd7877..6d77925 100644
--- a/API/Operator.go
+++ b/API/Operator.go
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ func UpdateOperator(c *gin.Context) {
Password: c.PostForm("Password"),
Auth: _auth,
Remarks: c.PostForm("Remarks"),
+ CreateTime:time.Now().Unix(),
_, err := DB.CMember.InsertOne(tools.GetContext(), User)
diff --git a/API/Scenic.go b/API/Scenic.go
index 9972bd5..58979ac 100644
--- a/API/Scenic.go
+++ b/API/Scenic.go
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
+ "strconv"
// @Title 返回景区基础信息
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ import (
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Param id 5dfb03070a9ac17ac7a82054 string true "景区id"
-// @Success 200 {object} tools.ResponseSeccess "Name名称;Describe介绍;OpenHours营业时间;Picture最上面图片;ShopAdPicture商城列表页图片;ItemScenicPicture项目场次照片;ActivityPicture活动照片;VideoList视频(VideoPicture=首桢图片);InvestigationUrl问券调查的url;RangeLocation景区范围(多个坐标点)"
+// @Success 200 {object} tools.ResponseSeccess "Name名称;Describe介绍;OpenHours营业时间;Picture最上面图片;ShopAdPicture商城列表页图片;ItemScenicPicture项目场次照片;ActivityPicture活动照片;VideoList视频(VideoPicture=首桢图片);InvestigationUrl问券调查的url;RangeLocation景区范围(多个坐标点)ZoomForIOS地图的缩放大小(IOS);ZoomForAndroidMin地图的缩放大小(Android最小);ZoomForAndroidMax地图的缩放大小(Android最大);Rotation旋转角度;OpenTiles否开启地图切片;ColorTiles切片底色(#FFFFFF)"
// @Failure 500 {object} tools.ResponseError "{"errcode":1,"errmsg":"错误原因"}"
// @Router /ScenicInfo? [get]
func ScenicInfo(c *gin.Context) {
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ func ScenicInfo(c *gin.Context) {
var Scenic *DB.SScenic
- objID,_ := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(c.Query("id"))
+ objID, _ := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(c.Query("id"))
DB.CScenic.FindOne(tools.GetContext(), bson.M{"_id": objID}).Decode(&Scenic)
c.JSON(200, tools.ResponseSeccess{
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ func ScenicInfo(c *gin.Context) {
// @Produce json
// @Param id 5dfb03070a9ac17ac7a82054 string true "景区id"
// @Param Token wgergejfwe string true "用户token"
-// @Success 200 {object} tools.ResponseSeccess "Name名称;Describe介绍;OpenHours营业时间;Picture最上面图片;ShopAdPicture商城列表页图片;ItemScenicPicture项目场次照片;ActivityPicture活动照片;VideoList视频(VideoPicture=首桢图片);InvestigationUrl问券调查的url;RangeLocation景区范围(多个坐标点)"
+// @Success 200 {object} tools.ResponseSeccess "Name名称;Describe介绍;OpenHours营业时间;Picture最上面图片;ShopAdPicture商城列表页图片;ItemScenicPicture项目场次照片;ActivityPicture活动照片;VideoList视频(VideoPicture=首桢图片);InvestigationUrl问券调查的url;"
// @Failure 500 {object} tools.ResponseError "{"errcode":1,"errmsg":"错误原因"}"
// @Router /UpdateScenic? [post]
func UpdateScenic(c *gin.Context) {
@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ func UpdateScenic(c *gin.Context) {
_user, _ := c.Get("UserInfo")
user := _user.(*DB.SMember)
err := Auth.CheckScenicAuth(c.PostForm("id"), user)
if err != nil {
c.JSON(200, tools.ResponseError{
@@ -66,13 +68,6 @@ func UpdateScenic(c *gin.Context) {
- var Location DB.SLocation
- json.Unmarshal([]byte(c.PostForm("Location")), &Location)
- var RangeLocation []DB.SLocation
- json.Unmarshal([]byte(c.PostForm("RangeLocation")), &RangeLocation)
var Picture []DB.SPicture
json.Unmarshal([]byte(c.PostForm("Picture")), &Picture)
@@ -90,22 +85,27 @@ func UpdateScenic(c *gin.Context) {
var id primitive.ObjectID
if pid := c.PostForm("id"); pid == "null" {
+ if user.UserType != "root" {
+ c.JSON(200, tools.ResponseError{
+ 401,
+ "没有权限",
+ })
+ return
+ }
id = primitive.NewObjectID()
// 新景区,初始化
} else {
- id,_ = primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(pid)
+ id, _ = primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(pid)
upsert := true
bson.M{"_id": id},
bson.M{"$set": bson.M{
"Name": c.PostForm("Name"),
"Describe": c.PostForm("Describe"),
- "Location": Location,
- "RangeLocation": RangeLocation,
"OpenHours": c.PostForm("OpenHours"),
"Mobile": c.PostForm("Mobile"),
"Address": c.PostForm("Address"),
@@ -124,39 +124,205 @@ func UpdateScenic(c *gin.Context) {
+// @Title 更新景区基础信息-高级
+// @Description 更新景区基础信息-高级
+// @Accept json
+// @Produce json
+// @Param id 5dfb03070a9ac17ac7a82054 string true "景区id"
+// @Param Token wgergejfwe string true "用户token"
+// @Success 200 {object} tools.ResponseSeccess "RangeLocation景区范围(多个坐标点)ZoomForIOS地图的缩放大小(IOS);ZoomForAndroidMin地图的缩放大小(Android最小);ZoomForAndroidMax地图的缩放大小(Android最大);Rotation旋转角度;OpenTiles否开启地图切片;ColorTiles切片底色(#FFFFFF)"
+// @Failure 500 {object} tools.ResponseError "{"errcode":1,"errmsg":"错误原因"}"
+// @Router /UpdateScenicSenior? [post]
+func UpdateScenicSenior(c *gin.Context) {
+ c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", c.Request.Header.Get("Origin"))
+ c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
+ _user, _ := c.Get("UserInfo")
+ user := _user.(*DB.SMember)
+ err := Auth.CheckScenicAuth(c.PostForm("id"), user)
+ if err != nil {
+ c.JSON(200, tools.ResponseError{
+ 401,
+ "没有权限",
+ })
+ return
+ }
+ var Location DB.SLocation
+ json.Unmarshal([]byte(c.PostForm("Location")), &Location)
+ var RangeLocation []DB.SLocation
+ json.Unmarshal([]byte(c.PostForm("RangeLocation")), &RangeLocation)
+ var ZoomForIOS DB.SRange
+ json.Unmarshal([]byte(c.PostForm("ZoomForIOS")), &ZoomForIOS)
+ var ZoomForAndroidMin []DB.SLocation
+ json.Unmarshal([]byte(c.PostForm("ZoomForAndroidMin")), &ZoomForAndroidMin)
+ var ZoomForAndroidMax []DB.SLocation
+ json.Unmarshal([]byte(c.PostForm("ZoomForAndroidMax")), &ZoomForAndroidMax)
+ var id primitive.ObjectID
+ if pid := c.PostForm("id"); pid == "null" {
+ if user.UserType != "root" {
+ c.JSON(200, tools.ResponseError{
+ 401,
+ "没有权限",
+ })
+ return
+ }
+ id = primitive.NewObjectID()
+ // 新景区,初始化
+ initScenic(id.Hex())
+ } else {
+ id, _ = primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(pid)
+ }
+ Rotation, err := strconv.ParseFloat(c.PostForm("Rotation"), 64)
+ OpenTiles, err := strconv.ParseBool(c.PostForm("OpenTiles"))
+ Display, _ := strconv.ParseBool(c.PostForm("Display"))
+ upsert := true
+ DB.CScenic.FindOneAndUpdate(tools.GetContext(),
+ bson.M{"_id": id},
+ bson.M{"$set": bson.M{
+ "Location": Location,
+ "RangeLocation": RangeLocation,
+ "ZoomForIOS": ZoomForIOS,
+ "ZoomForAndroidMin": ZoomForAndroidMin,
+ "ZoomForAndroidMax": ZoomForAndroidMax,
+ "Rotation": Rotation,
+ "OpenTiles": OpenTiles,
+ "ColorTiles": c.PostForm("ColorTiles"),
+ "Display": Display,
+ "Remove": false,
+ }}, &options.FindOneAndUpdateOptions{
+ Upsert: &upsert,
+ },
+ )
+ c.JSON(200, tools.ResponseSeccess{
+ 0,
+ "ok",
+ })
func initScenic(id string) {
var dba []interface{}
- dba = append(dba,DB.STag{
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
- dba = append(dba,DB.STag{
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
- "游乐设施",
+ "普通",
- dba = append(dba,DB.STag{
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
- "餐饮",
+ "演出",
- dba = append(dba,DB.STag{
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
- DB.CTags.InsertMany(tools.GetContext(),dba[1:])
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
+ id,
+ "type",
+ "餐饮",
+ })
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
+ id,
+ "type",
+ "游乐设施",
+ })
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
+ id,
+ "age",
+ "儿童",
+ })
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
+ id,
+ "age",
+ "成人",
+ })
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
+ id,
+ "age",
+ "青少年",
+ })
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
+ id,
+ "food",
+ "海鲜",
+ })
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
+ id,
+ "food",
+ "团餐",
+ })
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
+ id,
+ "food",
+ "烧烤",
+ })
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
+ id,
+ "food",
+ "小吃",
+ })
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
+ id,
+ "recommend",
+ "必玩",
+ })
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
+ id,
+ "shop",
+ "纪念品",
+ })
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
+ id,
+ "shop",
+ "收藏品",
+ })
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
+ id,
+ "shop",
+ "玩具",
+ })
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
+ id,
+ "thrilling",
+ "刺激",
+ })
+ dba = append(dba, DB.STag{
+ id,
+ "thrilling",
+ "放松",
+ })
+ DB.CTags.InsertMany(tools.GetContext(), dba[1:])
// @Title 所有景区基础信息
// @Description 所有景区基础信息
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
+// @Param Display true string true "true=显示隐藏数据"
// @Success 200 {object} tools.ResponseSeccess ""
// @Failure 500 {object} tools.ResponseError "{"errcode":1,"errmsg":"错误原因"}"
// @Router /AllScenic? [get]
@@ -164,14 +330,19 @@ func AllScenic(c *gin.Context) {
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", c.Request.Header.Get("Origin"))
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
+ _select := bson.M{"Display": true}
+ if c.Query("Display") == "all"{
+ _select = bson.M{}
+ }
var Scenic []DB.SScenic
- cur, err := DB.CScenic.Find(tools.GetContext(), bson.M{})
+ cur, err := DB.CScenic.Find(tools.GetContext(), _select)
defer cur.Close(tools.GetContext())
if err == nil {
for cur.Next(tools.GetContext()) {
var e DB.SScenic
- Scenic = append(Scenic,e)
+ Scenic = append(Scenic, e)
diff --git a/API/Shop.go b/API/Shop.go
index f585b0c..b1f11e6 100644
--- a/API/Shop.go
+++ b/API/Shop.go
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ func AllCommodity(c *gin.Context) {
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", c.Request.Header.Get("Origin"))
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
- var aCommoditys []DB.SCommodity
+ var aCommoditys = []DB.SCommodity{}
cur, err := DB.CCommodity.Find(tools.GetContext(), bson.M{"ScenicId": c.Query("ScenicId")})
defer cur.Close(tools.GetContext())
if err == nil {
diff --git a/API/SystemInfo.go b/API/SystemInfo.go
index b83c238..c4544bc 100644
--- a/API/SystemInfo.go
+++ b/API/SystemInfo.go
@@ -19,9 +19,13 @@ func SystemInfo(c *gin.Context) {
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
info := make(map[string]interface{})
- info["Version"] = Config.Info.Version
+ info["ApiVersion"] = Config.Info.ApiVersion
info["SupportVersion"] = Config.Info.SupportVersion
+ //SupportVersion := DB.Redis.Get("SupportVersion")
+ //info["SupportVersion"] = SupportVersion
UpdateLocationInterval := DB.Redis.Get("UpdateLocationInterval")
info["UpdateLocationInterval"] = UpdateLocationInterval
@@ -30,4 +34,4 @@ func SystemInfo(c *gin.Context) {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/API/TopMenus.go b/API/TopMenus.go
index 5c894a5..92511eb 100644
--- a/API/TopMenus.go
+++ b/API/TopMenus.go
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
+ "strconv"
// @Title 查询所有菜单
@@ -25,13 +26,13 @@ func AllTopMenus(c *gin.Context) {
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
var STopMenus []DB.STopMenus
- cur, err := DB.CTopMenus.Find(tools.GetContext(), bson.M{"ScenicId": c.Query("ScenicId")})
+ cur, err := DB.CTopMenus.Find(tools.GetContext(), bson.M{"ScenicId": c.Query("ScenicId")}, &options.FindOptions{Sort: bson.M{"Order": 1}})
defer cur.Close(tools.GetContext())
if err == nil {
for cur.Next(tools.GetContext()) {
var e DB.STopMenus
- STopMenus = append(STopMenus,e)
+ STopMenus = append(STopMenus, e)
@@ -59,7 +60,6 @@ func UpdateTopMenus(c *gin.Context) {
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", c.Request.Header.Get("Origin"))
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
_user, _ := c.Get("UserInfo")
user := _user.(*DB.SMember)
err := Auth.CheckScenicAuth(c.PostForm("ScenicId"), user)
@@ -86,15 +86,17 @@ func UpdateTopMenus(c *gin.Context) {
if pid := c.PostForm("id"); pid == "null" {
id = primitive.NewObjectID()
} else {
- id,_ = primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(pid)
+ id, _ = primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(pid)
+ Order, err := strconv.ParseFloat(c.PostForm("Order"), 64)
upsert := true
bson.M{"_id": id},
bson.M{"$set": bson.M{
"ScenicId": c.PostForm("ScenicId"),
- "Name": c.PostForm("Name"),
+ "Name": c.PostForm("Name"),
+ "Order": Order,
"Tags": Tags,
}}, &options.FindOneAndUpdateOptions{
Upsert: &upsert,
@@ -151,4 +153,4 @@ func RemoveTopMenus(c *gin.Context) {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/API/User.go b/API/User.go
index 0f9d8fc..0c2f2fc 100644
--- a/API/User.go
+++ b/API/User.go
@@ -79,8 +79,10 @@ func LoginUser(c *gin.Context) {
+ time.Now().Unix(),
- Auth: auth,
+ Auth: auth,
+ CreateTime: time.Now().Unix(),
_, err := DB.CMember.InsertOne(tools.GetContext(), User)
if err != nil {
@@ -350,7 +352,6 @@ func RemoveUser(c *gin.Context) {
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", c.Request.Header.Get("Origin"))
c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true")
_user, _ := c.Get("UserInfo")
user := _user.(*DB.SMember)
diff --git a/API/UserLog.go b/API/UserLog.go
index 304d102..9f800d6 100644
--- a/API/UserLog.go
+++ b/API/UserLog.go
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ func UserLog(c *gin.Context) {
+ time.Now().Unix(),
diff --git a/Bin/Monitor.go b/Bin/Monitor.go
index f2cb398..882fff2 100644
--- a/Bin/Monitor.go
+++ b/Bin/Monitor.go
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
+ "github.com/davecgh/go-spew/spew"
@@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ var lastState = 0
func main() {
for {
- time.Sleep(180 * time.Second)
+ time.Sleep(600 * time.Second)
httpState, body, error := tools.GET("http://leyoutu.st-i.com.cn/AllScenic")
if httpState == 200 && error == nil {
@@ -22,11 +23,16 @@ func main() {
rlen := len(oBody.Result.([]interface{}))
if oBody.ErrCode != 0 || rlen == 0 {
+ println("ERROR---------------------1:",rlen)
+ spew.Dump(oBody)
} else {
} else {
+ println("ERROR---------------------2:",httpState)
+ spew.Dump(error)
@@ -34,6 +40,7 @@ func main() {
func sms(state int) {
stateString := ""
diff --git a/Config/config.go b/Config/config.go
index 669eccc..b2f213a 100644
--- a/Config/config.go
+++ b/Config/config.go
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ type Config struct {
Env string
TokenSecret string
ServerPort string
- Version int64
- SupportVersion int64
+ ApiVersion string
+ SupportVersion string
var Info = Config{}
diff --git a/Config/config.json b/Config/config.json
index f68cd1b..9ffd450 100644
--- a/Config/config.json
+++ b/Config/config.json
@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@
"Env": "DEV",
"tokenSecret": "token.secret",
"ServerPort": ":8080",
- "Version": 1.1,
- "SupportVersion": 1.0
+ "ApiVersion": "1.1",
+ "SupportVersion": "1.0"
diff --git a/DB/db.go b/DB/db.go
index d0d9d66..95e0435 100644
--- a/DB/db.go
+++ b/DB/db.go
@@ -27,6 +27,31 @@ var CTopMenus *mongo.Collection //菜单
var CSysAds *mongo.Collection //平台广告
var DB *mongo.Database
+type SScenic struct {
+ Id *primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id" json:"Id" valid:"required"`
+ Name string `bson:"Name" json:"Name" valid:"required"`
+ Describe string `bson:"Describe" json:"Describe"`
+ OpenHours string `bson:"OpenHours" json:"OpenHours"` //营业时间
+ Mobile string `bson:"Mobile" json:"Mobile"`
+ Address string `bson:"Address" json:"Address"`
+ InvestigationUrl string `bson:"InvestigationUrl" json:"InvestigationUrl"` //问券调查的url地址
+ Location SLocation `bson:"Location" json:"Location"`
+ Picture []SPicture `bson:"Picture" json:"Picture"`
+ ShopAdPicture []SPicture `bson:"ShopAdPicture" json:"ShopAdPicture"` //商城列表页图片
+ ItemScenicPicture []SPicture `bson:"ItemScenicPicture" json:"ItemScenicPicture"` //项目场次照片
+ ActivityPicture []SPicture `bson:"ActivityPicture" json:"ActivityPicture"` //活动照片
+ VideoList []SVideo `bson:"VideoList" json:"VideoList"`
+ RangeLocation []SLocation `bson:"RangeLocation" json:"RangeLocation"` //景区范围
+ ZoomForIOS SRange `bson:"ZoomForIOS" json:"ZoomForIOS"` //地图的缩放大小(IOS)
+ ZoomForAndroidMin []SLocation `bson:"ZoomForAndroidMin" json:"ZoomForAndroidMin"` //地图的缩放大小(Android最小)
+ ZoomForAndroidMax []SLocation `bson:"ZoomForAndroidMax" json:"ZoomForAndroidMax"` //地图的缩放大小(Android最大)
+ Rotation float64 `bson:"Rotation" json:"Rotation"` //旋转角度
+ OpenTiles bool `bson:"OpenTiles" json:"OpenTiles"` //否开启地图切片
+ ColorTiles string `bson:"ColorTiles" json:"ColorTiles"` //切片底色(#FFFFFF)
+ Display bool `bson:"Display" json:"Display"` //是否显示
+ Remove bool `bson:"Remove" json:"Remove"` //是否删除
type SItem struct {
Id *primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id" json:"Id" valid:"required"`
ScenicId string `bson:"ScenicId" json:"ScenicId"` // 景区id
@@ -83,19 +108,21 @@ type SLocation struct {
type STopMenus struct {
Id *primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id" json:"Id" valid:"required"`
ScenicId string `bson:"ScenicId" json:"ScenicId" valid:"required"`
- Name string `bson:"Name" json:"Name" valid:"required"` //菜单标题
- Tags []string `bson:"Tags" json:"Tags" valid:"required"` //标签
+ Name string `bson:"Name" json:"Name" valid:"required"` //菜单标题
+ Tags []string `bson:"Tags" json:"Tags" valid:"required"` //标签
+ Order int64 `bson:"Order" json:"Order" valid:"required"` //排序
type SDevice struct {
DeviceId string `bson:"DeviceId" json:"DeviceId"`
Mac string `bson:"Mac" json:"Mac"`
UDID string `bson:"UDID" json:"UDID"`
- SystemType string `bson:"SystemType" json:"SystemType"` //ios,android
- SystemVersion string `bson:"SystemVersion" json:"SystemVersion"` //系统版本
- SystemModel string `bson:"SystemModel" json:"SystemModel"` //机型
- AppVersion string `bson:"AppVersion" json:"AppVersion"` //app版本
- DeviceToken string `bson:"DeviceToken" json:"DeviceToken"` //用于推送的token
+ SystemType string `bson:"SystemType" json:"SystemType"` //ios,android
+ SystemVersion string `bson:"SystemVersion" json:"SystemVersion"` //系统版本
+ SystemModel string `bson:"SystemModel" json:"SystemModel"` //机型
+ AppVersion string `bson:"AppVersion" json:"AppVersion"` //app版本
+ DeviceToken string `bson:"DeviceToken" json:"DeviceToken"` //用于推送的token
+ CreateTime int64 `bson:"CreateTime,omitempty" json:"CreateTime"` //创建时间
type SUserLog struct {
@@ -113,14 +140,15 @@ type SUserLog struct {
type SOperatorLog struct {
- ScenicId string `bson:"ScenicId" json:"ScenicId"`
- UserId string `bson:"UserId" json:"UserId"` // 用户ID
- UserName string `bson:"UserName" json:"UserName"` //用户名称
- DateTime int64 `bson:"DateTime" json:"DateTime"` //时间戳
- Remarks string `bson:"Remarks" json:"Remarks"` //备注
- Model SModel `bson:"Model" json:"Model"`
- Api string `bson:"Api" json:"Api"`
- Parames interface{} `bson:"Parames" json:"Parames"`
+ Id *primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id" json:"Id" valid:"required"`
+ ScenicId string `bson:"ScenicId" json:"ScenicId"`
+ UserId string `bson:"UserId" json:"UserId"` // 用户ID
+ UserName string `bson:"UserName" json:"UserName"` //用户名称
+ DateTime int64 `bson:"DateTime" json:"DateTime"` //时间戳
+ Remarks string `bson:"Remarks" json:"Remarks"` //备注
+ Model SModel `bson:"Model" json:"Model"`
+ Api string `bson:"Api" json:"Api"`
+ Parames interface{} `bson:"Parames" json:"Parames"`
type SSystemLog struct {
UserId string `bson:"UserId" json:"UserId"` // 用户ID
@@ -156,15 +184,16 @@ type SLine struct {
type SComplaint struct {
- Type string `bson:"Type" json:"Type"`
- ScenicId string `bson:"ScenicId" json:"ScenicId"` // 景区id
- Mobile string `bson:"Mobile" json:"Mobile"`
- FullName string `bson:"FullName" json:"FullName"`
- Sex string `bson:"Sex" json:"Sex"`
- Content string `bson:"Content" json:"Content"`
- Image []string `bson:"Image" json:"Image"`
- State string `bson:"State" json:"State"` // 处理状态(未处理,已处理)
- DateTime int64 `bson:"DateTime" json:"DateTime"` //时间戳
+ Id *primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id" json:"Id" valid:"required"`
+ Type string `bson:"Type" json:"Type"`
+ ScenicId string `bson:"ScenicId" json:"ScenicId"` // 景区id
+ Mobile string `bson:"Mobile" json:"Mobile"`
+ FullName string `bson:"FullName" json:"FullName"`
+ Sex string `bson:"Sex" json:"Sex"`
+ Content string `bson:"Content" json:"Content"`
+ Image []string `bson:"Image" json:"Image"`
+ State string `bson:"State" json:"State"` // 处理状态(未处理,已处理)
+ DateTime int64 `bson:"DateTime" json:"DateTime"` //时间戳
type SInvestigation struct {
@@ -173,20 +202,21 @@ type SInvestigation struct {
Data interface{} `bson:"Data" json:"Data"`
type SMember struct {
- Id *primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id" json:"Id" valid:"required"`
- UserType string `bson:"UserType" json:"UserType" valid:"required,in(root|operator|visitor)"` // "root" or "operator" or "visitor"
- ScenicId string `bson:"ScenicId,omitempty" json:"ScenicId,omitempty"`
- Username string `bson:"Username,omitempty" json:"Username,omitempty"`
- Password string `bson:"Password,omitempty" json:"Password,omitempty"`
- Birthday string `bson:"Birthday,omitempty" json:"Birthday"`
- FullName string `bson:"FullName,omitempty" json:"FullName"`
- Mobile string `bson:"Mobile,omitempty" json:"Mobile"`
- Openid string `bson:"Openid,omitempty" json:"Openid"`
- Token string `bson:"Token,omitempty" json:"Token,omitempty"`
- Sex string `bson:"Sex,omitempty" json:"Sex"`
- Device *SDevice `bson:"Device,omitempty" json:"Device"` //设备信息
- Auth []string `bson:"Auth,omitempty" json:"Auth"` //权限信息
- Remarks string `bson:"Remarks,omitempty" json:"Remarks"` //说明
+ Id *primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id" json:"Id" valid:"required"`
+ UserType string `bson:"UserType" json:"UserType" valid:"required,in(root|operator|visitor)"` // "root" or "operator" or "visitor"
+ ScenicId string `bson:"ScenicId,omitempty" json:"ScenicId,omitempty"`
+ Username string `bson:"Username,omitempty" json:"Username,omitempty"`
+ Password string `bson:"Password,omitempty" json:"Password,omitempty"`
+ Birthday string `bson:"Birthday,omitempty" json:"Birthday"`
+ FullName string `bson:"FullName,omitempty" json:"FullName"`
+ Mobile string `bson:"Mobile,omitempty" json:"Mobile"`
+ Openid string `bson:"Openid,omitempty" json:"Openid"`
+ Token string `bson:"Token,omitempty" json:"Token,omitempty"`
+ Sex string `bson:"Sex,omitempty" json:"Sex"`
+ Device *SDevice `bson:"Device,omitempty" json:"Device"` //设备信息
+ Auth []string `bson:"Auth,omitempty" json:"Auth"` //权限信息
+ Remarks string `bson:"Remarks,omitempty" json:"Remarks"` //说明
+ CreateTime int64 `bson:"CreateTime,omitempty" json:"CreateTime"` //创建时间
type STag struct {
@@ -209,27 +239,15 @@ type SSize struct {
Width int64 `bson:"Width" json:"Width"`
Height int64 `bson:"Height" json:"Height"`
+type SRange struct {
+ Min float64 `bson:"Min" json:"Min"`
+ Max float64 `bson:"Max" json:"Max"`
type SSysAds struct {
Id *primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id" json:"Id" valid:"required"`
- Site string `bson:"Site" json:"Site" valid:"required"` // 位置
- Size SSize `bson:"Size" json:"Size" valid:"required"` // 尺寸
+ Site string `bson:"Site" json:"Site" valid:"required"` // 位置
+ Size SSize `bson:"Size" json:"Size" valid:"required"` // 尺寸
Type string `bson:"Type" json:"Type" valid:"required,in(轮播|单图|单视频)"` // 类型
- Picture []SPicture `bson:"Picture" json:"Picture"` // 图片
- Video []SVideo `bson:"Video" json:"Video"` // 视频
-type SScenic struct {
- Id *primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id" json:"Id" valid:"required"`
- Name string `bson:"Name" json:"Name"`
- Describe string `bson:"Describe" json:"Describe"`
- OpenHours string `bson:"OpenHours" json:"OpenHours"` //营业时间
- Mobile string `bson:"Mobile" json:"Mobile"`
- Address string `bson:"Address" json:"Address"`
- InvestigationUrl string `bson:"InvestigationUrl" json:"InvestigationUrl"` //问券调查的url地址
- Location SLocation `bson:"Location" json:"Location"`
- Picture []SPicture `bson:"Picture" json:"Picture"`
- ShopAdPicture []SPicture `bson:"ShopAdPicture" json:"ShopAdPicture"` //商城列表页图片
- ItemScenicPicture []SPicture `bson:"ItemScenicPicture" json:"ItemScenicPicture"` //项目场次照片
- ActivityPicture []SPicture `bson:"ActivityPicture" json:"ActivityPicture"` //活动照片
- VideoList []SVideo `bson:"VideoList" json:"VideoList"`
- RangeLocation []SLocation `bson:"RangeLocation" json:"RangeLocation"` //景区范围
+ Picture []SPicture `bson:"Picture" json:"Picture"` // 图片
+ Video []SVideo `bson:"Video" json:"Video"` // 视频
diff --git a/Lib/Auth/Auth.go b/Lib/Auth/Auth.go
index d8d2996..f95f53e 100644
--- a/Lib/Auth/Auth.go
+++ b/Lib/Auth/Auth.go
@@ -102,6 +102,9 @@ func CheckAuthFunc(handFunc func(c *gin.Context), auth *DB.SModel) func(c *gin.C
func CheckScenicAuth(ScenicId string, user *DB.SMember) error {
+ if user.UserType == "root" {
+ return nil
+ }
if ScenicId == "" {
return errors.New("景区id不能为空")
@@ -121,6 +124,9 @@ func CheckScenicAuth(ScenicId string, user *DB.SMember) error {
func CheckUserAuth(UserId string, user *DB.SMember) error {
+ if user.UserType == "root" {
+ return nil
+ }
if UserId == "" {
return errors.New("用户id不能为空")
diff --git a/Lib/OperatorLog/operatorLog.go b/Lib/OperatorLog/operatorLog.go
index 859c9f6..0c4a42f 100644
--- a/Lib/OperatorLog/operatorLog.go
+++ b/Lib/OperatorLog/operatorLog.go
@@ -2,13 +2,15 @@ package OperatorLog
import (
+ "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive"
func CreateOperatorLog(ScenicId string, user *DB.SMember, model *DB.SModel, api string, parames interface{}) {
+ id := primitive.NewObjectID()
DB.COperatorLog.InsertOne(tools.GetContext(), DB.SOperatorLog{
+ &id,
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5dbd49d..3a67bea 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -19,12 +19,14 @@
1. [标签 - 所有标签](#alltag-get)
1. [标签 - 按照标签分组查看所有标签](#alltaggroup-get)
1. [查询所有用户行为](#alluserlog-get)
+1. [数据统计](#analysls-count-get)
1. [用户管理 - 检查Token是否过期](#checktoken-post)
1. [查询商品信息](#commodityinfo-get)
1. [投诉 - 增加投诉](#createcomplaint-post)
1. [查询用户的定时提醒](#dealymessage-info-get)
1. [创建提醒](#dealymessage-create-post)
1. [删除提醒](#dealymessage-remove-post)
+1. [处理投诉](#handlecomplaint-post)
1. [图标管理 - 返回图标基础信息](#icon-info-get)
1. [图标管理 - 增加或修改图标信息](#icon-update-post)
1. [图标管理 - 所有图标](#icon-all-get)
@@ -59,6 +61,7 @@
1. [更新线路](#updateline-post)
1. [操作员管理 - 修改用户信息](#updateoperator-post)
1. [更新景区基础信息](#updatescenic-post)
+1. [更新景区基础信息-高级](#updatescenicsenior-post)
1. [用户管理 - 修改用户信息](#updateuser-post)
1. [上传](#upload-post)
1. [用户管理 - 获取用户信息](#userinfo-get)
@@ -204,6 +207,11 @@
+| Param Name | Example | Data Type | Description | Required? |
+| Display | true | string | true=显示隐藏数据 | Yes |
| Code | Type | Model | Message |
| 200 | object | [ResponseSeccess](#github.com.aarongao.tools.ResponseSeccess) | |
@@ -269,6 +277,27 @@
+#### /Analysls/Count (GET)
+| Param Name | Example | Data Type | Description | Required? |
+| ScenicId | wgergejfwe | string | 景区id | Yes |
+| StartTime | 1 | int | 时间戳 | |
+| StopTime | 1 | int | 时间戳 | |
+| Code | Type | Model | Message |
+| 200 | object | [ResponseSeccess](#github.com.aarongao.tools.ResponseSeccess) | userTotal=用户总数registerTotal=注册用户总数nonRegisterTotal非注册用户总数 |
+| 500 | object | [ResponseError](#github.com.aarongao.tools.ResponseError) | {"errcode":1,"errmsg":"错误原因"} |
#### /CheckToken (POST)
@@ -396,6 +425,27 @@
+#### /HandleComplaint (POST)
+| Param Name | Example | Data Type | Description | Required? |
+| id | 5dfb03070a9ac17ac7a82054 | string | 投诉id | Yes |
+| ScenicId | wgergejfwe | string | 景区id | Yes |
+| Token | wgergejfwe | string | 用户token | Yes |
+| Code | Type | Model | Message |
+| 200 | object | [ResponseSeccess](#github.com.aarongao.tools.ResponseSeccess) | {"errcode":0,"result":"ok"} |
+| 500 | object | [ResponseError](#github.com.aarongao.tools.ResponseError) | {"errcode":1,"errmsg":"错误原因"} |
#### /Icon/Info (GET)
@@ -739,7 +789,7 @@
| Code | Type | Model | Message |
-| 200 | object | [ResponseSeccess](#github.com.aarongao.tools.ResponseSeccess) | Name名称;Describe介绍;OpenHours营业时间;Picture最上面图片;ShopAdPicture商城列表页图片;ItemScenicPicture项目场次照片;ActivityPicture活动照片;VideoList视频(VideoPicture=首桢图片);InvestigationUrl问券调查的url;RangeLocation景区范围(多个坐标点) |
+| 200 | object | [ResponseSeccess](#github.com.aarongao.tools.ResponseSeccess) | Name名称;Describe介绍;OpenHours营业时间;Picture最上面图片;ShopAdPicture商城列表页图片;ItemScenicPicture项目场次照片;ActivityPicture活动照片;VideoList视频(VideoPicture=首桢图片);InvestigationUrl问券调查的url;RangeLocation景区范围(多个坐标点)ZoomForIOS地图的缩放大小(IOS);ZoomForAndroidMin地图的缩放大小(Android最小);ZoomForAndroidMax地图的缩放大小(Android最大);Rotation旋转角度;OpenTiles否开启地图切片;ColorTiles切片底色(#FFFFFF) |
| 500 | object | [ResponseError](#github.com.aarongao.tools.ResponseError) | {"errcode":1,"errmsg":"错误原因"} |
@@ -1079,7 +1129,27 @@
| Code | Type | Model | Message |
-| 200 | object | [ResponseSeccess](#github.com.aarongao.tools.ResponseSeccess) | Name名称;Describe介绍;OpenHours营业时间;Picture最上面图片;ShopAdPicture商城列表页图片;ItemScenicPicture项目场次照片;ActivityPicture活动照片;VideoList视频(VideoPicture=首桢图片);InvestigationUrl问券调查的url;RangeLocation景区范围(多个坐标点) |
+| 200 | object | [ResponseSeccess](#github.com.aarongao.tools.ResponseSeccess) | Name名称;Describe介绍;OpenHours营业时间;Picture最上面图片;ShopAdPicture商城列表页图片;ItemScenicPicture项目场次照片;ActivityPicture活动照片;VideoList视频(VideoPicture=首桢图片);InvestigationUrl问券调查的url; |
+| 500 | object | [ResponseError](#github.com.aarongao.tools.ResponseError) | {"errcode":1,"errmsg":"错误原因"} |
+#### /UpdateScenicSenior (POST)
+| Param Name | Example | Data Type | Description | Required? |
+| id | 5dfb03070a9ac17ac7a82054 | string | 景区id | Yes |
+| Token | wgergejfwe | string | 用户token | Yes |
+| Code | Type | Model | Message |
+| 200 | object | [ResponseSeccess](#github.com.aarongao.tools.ResponseSeccess) | RangeLocation景区范围(多个坐标点)ZoomForIOS地图的缩放大小(IOS);ZoomForAndroidMin地图的缩放大小(Android最小);ZoomForAndroidMax地图的缩放大小(Android最大);Rotation旋转角度;OpenTiles否开启地图切片;ColorTiles切片底色(#FFFFFF) |
| 500 | object | [ResponseError](#github.com.aarongao.tools.ResponseError) | {"errcode":1,"errmsg":"错误原因"} |
diff --git a/Version.md b/Version.md
index 86a70ba..71e0a5d 100644
--- a/Version.md
+++ b/Version.md
@@ -66,13 +66,24 @@
+12. /ScenicInfo景区信息接口增加新属性
+ ```
+ ZoomForIOS //地图的缩放大小(IOS)
+ ZoomForAndroidMin //地图的缩放大小(Android最小)
+ ZoomForAndroidMax //地图的缩放大小(Android最大)
+ Rotation //旋转角度
+ OpenTiles //否开启地图切片
+ ColorTiles //切片底色(FFFFFF)
+ ```
+13. /AllScenic增加Display=all参数。意思是显示所有数据,默认情况不显示隐藏信息
##### 数据结构变更:
@@ -93,6 +104,13 @@
1. 提交APP代码到git(v1.1分支)
2. 使用 “测试环境地址” 打包内测版本至TestFlight
3. 升级 ”生产环境“ 接口至v1.1
+ 1. 打包上传程序文件main_v1.1
+ 2. 修改config.json配置文件
+ 3. 运行程序
+ 4. nginx增加/api/v1.1路径支持
+ 5. 上传后台页面
+ 6. 更新root用户模块权限数据
+ 7. 修改数据结构变更及数据缺失(广告,标签等。。)
4. 使用 “生产环境地址” 打包公测版本至TestFlight
5. 发布至商店
diff --git a/main.go b/main.go
index 595b4d1..381998c 100644
--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ func main() {
InitController("GET", "/ItemInfo", Api.ItemInfo, &DB.SModel{})
InitController("GET", "/CommodityInfo", Api.CommodityInfo, &DB.SModel{})
InitController("POST", "/CreateComplaint", Api.CreateComplaint, &DB.SModel{})
+ InitController("POST", "/HandleComplaint", Api.HandleComplaint, &DB.SModel{"投诉建议", "处理投诉"})
InitController("GET", "/AllComplaint", Api.AllComplaint, &DB.SModel{"投诉建议", "查看所有"})
//InitController("/CreateUser", Api.CreateUser)
InitController("POST", "/LoginUser", Api.LoginUser, &DB.SModel{})
@@ -137,6 +138,7 @@ func main() {
InitController("POST", "/UpdateCommodity", Api.UpdateCommodity, &DB.SModel{"商品管理", "修改"})
InitController("POST", "/UpdateLine", Api.UpdateLine, &DB.SModel{"线路管理", "修改"})
InitController("POST", "/UpdateScenic", Api.UpdateScenic, &DB.SModel{"景区管理", "修改"})
+ InitController("POST", "/UpdateScenicSenior", Api.UpdateScenicSenior, &DB.SModel{"景区管理", "修改-高级"})
InitController("POST", "/UpdateItemTime", Api.UpdateItemTime, &DB.SModel{"项目管理", "修改等候时间"})
InitController("GET", "/AllScenic", Api.AllScenic, &DB.SModel{})
InitController("POST", "/UserLog", Api.UserLog, &DB.SModel{})
@@ -178,6 +180,8 @@ func main() {
InitController("GET", "/SysAds/List", Api.SysAdsList, &DB.SModel{})
InitController("POST", "/SysAds/Modify", Api.ModifySysAds, &DB.SModel{"平台广告", "修改"})
+ InitController("GET", "/Analysls/Count", Api.Analysls, &DB.SModel{"平台数据统计","查询"})
Gin.GET("/AllModules", Auth.Modules)
//InitController("/ws", Api.WsPage)
libgit2 0.21.0